What we're about
Your chance to liven up your social life , meet new people , make friends and try new activities.
Swindon IVC is an informal group that enjoys events hosted by members for members.
We're not a dating group, just people who like to socialise and have fun.
Swindon IVC is a social club and is a member of AIVC - the Association of IVCs . AIVC is a long established national group of clubs which are run on a not-for profit basis.
Swindon IVC events are organised by its members and are many and varied. Some will recur weekly or monthly, while others are a one-off. Our monthly newsletter keeps members updated.
Our age profile ranges from 40's to 60's but is not exclusively so and we aspire to attract a wider age range.
We offer
- Regular members night at a Swindon pub
- Regular events such as book club, film group and photography events
- Varied activities such as days or nights out
- Meals, theatre trips, cinema, walks , parties , quiz nights, live music and more!
Most members live in and around Swindon. The club is ideal for people who may be new to the area, or want to expand their social circle.
If you are interested in joining our lively social activity club, or want to find out more, please join us at one of our regular club nights. These start around 8 pm, and are always on a Wednesday - so please feel free to come along and meet us before deciding if you wish to join. Please try to contact us first so we know to look out for you (we don't have a reserved table at our meeting venue).
To find out where and when our club nights are held please complete the Contact Us form or phone our Membership Secretary on 07546 949212 (this is a standard mobile number).
New members may join when they attend a club night in person, complete a membership application form, provide suitable ID and pay the subscription fee. Note there is no facility for joining / paying without first attending a meeting.
Full membership subscriptions are payable annually, The current rate (which was reduced at November 2022 AGM) is Full Year £12.00. A three months membership for £3.00 is available. Subsequent membership is then full year only.